Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Yogyakarta Police Confirms Vital Object Security Unit


Yogyakarta - Along with the handover ceremony, Yogyakarta Police Chief Kombes Pol Arif Bastari, S.I.K, M.H. inaugurate the Vital Object Security Unit (Satpamobvit) in the third floor hall, Tuesday (1/3) afternoon.

The inauguration of the Satpamobvit was carried out in a simple manner marked by the inauguration of a new Kasatpamobvit official to AKP Slamet Subiyantoro, S.H.

In his remarks, Kombes Pol Arif said there were several points that encouraged the formation of Satpamobvit at  Yogyakarta Police, including the jurisdiction with an area of ​​32.5 square kilometers with a population of 439,936 heterogeneous people so that it has a correlation with the development of security and social order.

"There are many national vital objects and other vital objects, there are certain areas, state institution areas, foreign representative areas and tourism areas," continued Kombes Pol Arif.

The chief  added that  many events, both national and international in nature, are often held in the Yogyakarta City area, also underlie the formation of the Satpamobvit.

"The number of tourists visiting Yogyakarta, both domestic and foreign tourists, demands the Yogyakarta Police to be more maximal in maintaining the security and comfort of tourism," he said.

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